Inspiring humanity to be empowered
Our world… it’s truly amazing, isn’t it? As human beings… we have come up with ingenious solutions, we have conquered land, water and air with boats, planes, trains and cars. We’ve even launched rockets into space and connected ourselves to each other at the click of a button through mobile devices and social media apps. Our imagination has no limits, if we can dream it, we can make it happen.
Yet, despite our amazing progress, parents and children, just like us, live in conditions that we could not even imagine. What we take for granted is not even a distant dream for them. They have no roof over their heads, no medical help, no clean drinking water. Thousands of beautiful human beings die every day from starvation.
This design flaw is hidden in plain sight. Whilst we remain grateful for the efforts of government organisations and charities, we have yet to solve these humanitarian challenges. Luckily, there are many of us that genuinely want to create a world that works, if this is you, welcome to World Transformation Organisation.
Thankfully, new technology and systems are fast emerging, handing power to the people and by joining forces, we can make a bigger difference than ever before. Social media is helping create a higher level of awareness, raising consciousness and connecting like minds into tribes. We deliver “real life” news to each other in real time across borders and can discuss and impact real life challenges in compressed time frames.
This natural mega trend of people helping people directly is rapidly taking hold through crowd funding platforms that deliver micro loans, funds direct where needed and even funding peoples dreams and ideas. Ordinary people are waking up to the fact that they have more power by working together than apart are helping shape this new future.
There is a huge opportunity to be the change we want to see in the world… and that opportunity is World Transformation Organisation, a movement of like minds and hearts, coming together to impact the world as one family.
If you believe that empowering humanity through personal development, by helping raising spiritual mental and emotional awareness, is part of the answer then join us, bring your like minded friends in on this journey of making our world a better place for the entire human race.